Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Good morning to you!  We just got back from D.C. and I feel like I have been playing catch up!  It was a great time with lots of family memories, but I happy to be back.  I did a lot of reflecting on the trip, and I can't stress enough how important it is to get away from it all and go on vacation.  It certainly allows your batteries to recharge and refocus.  Biggest thought of the day is to maintain a realistic pace.  Even though I have committed to waking up 21 work days in a row, I can't keep up this pace.  I am litterally working between 50-60 hours per week which is doable, but the time off has allowed me to reevaluate; work is certainly important and I love what I do, but there are other things in life. 

Speaking of which, I had to rearrange my schedule due to traveling and needing to rest the first day back.  So tomorrow will be my offical last day of waking up at 4:30.  I have many thoughts, lessons I have learned, and new challenges I have my eyes on and I will share them all with you bright and early.  Be great today and swing for the fences!

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